Great Family Picnic in Elk Grove Village

Elk Grove Village, Family Picnic, Highlanders, Local Store Elk Grove Village -

Great Family Picnic in Elk Grove Village

This year's Great Family Picnic at Elk Grove Village was amazing. Not only was the weather great, but also the number of guests! The event attracted not only highlanders, but also our neighbors, friends of friends and their friends.

It is impossible to estimate the exact number of participants, but we lost count after more than 2,000 people. The picnic lasted from 12:00 PM until evening.

Great Family Picnic in Elk Grove Village - preparations

Throughout the month preceding the picnic, we invited and accepted requests from our vendors - people who wanted to show their business. From Jarvis Avenue itself, through the alley between our buildings, Luxahaus LLC and Luxahaus Beyond, to the very end of the parking lot, we set up szalas, stage, tents, chairs and tables, we made hundreds of phone calls and emails and engaged everyone who could help us. We have plenty of guest parking available all over Jarvis Avenue and even on other streets around our stores.

It was all over the news!

During these several days, we used almost all the ways of communication, from websites, through Social Media, to the Polish community media, such as Telewizja Polvision, Polish Radio 1030 AM- our main media patrons, Radio Zwiazku Podhalan, Radio 103.1 FM, Polski FM, Radio "Na Góralska Nute", "Dziennik Związkowy", "Express", "Monitor" and even highlander newspaper "Tygodnik Podhalanski". Interviews, commentaries, reels, radio commercials reached high - very high :) 

Highlander vibes in Elk Grove Village

 Thanks to the involvement of our friends and organizations such as the Polish Highlanders Alliance of America, Klub Raba Wyżna in Chicago, as well as the Pomagamy bo Lubimy organization you could feel the vibes, see the traditions and listen to live Polish Highlander music (and not only).

The picnic schedule included a Holy Mass at 12pm with O. Bartłomiej Stanowski OCD, live music by the Watra Band, Polish Highlander dances and singing performance by the Siumni, and Juchasi. There was also a lot going on offstage! Participants could test themselves in:

  • Milking (fake 🙂) cow
  • Riding a mechanical bull
  • Sawing a tree with an old fashioned hand saw 
  • A climbing wall.

In addition, “Ceper and Ceperka” elections, Raffle Lottery, and an exhibition of Polish PRL Epic Cars. We were also accompanied by the Motorcycle “Sokół Riders” Club.

Attractions for whole Family

We have prepared a lot of attractions for children: train ride, bouncy castle, face painting. You could even meet Mickey and Minnie Mouse!

Of course, we made sure that there was no shortage of food or drink. Everyone could taste golonko, kaszanka, sauerkraut, polish sausage, chicken legs, sznycel, fries, hot dogs, waffles with whipped cream and fruits, ice cream, Polish style cotton candy, homemade cakes and many more...

This year's goal of the Great Picnic in Elk Grove Village 

In the previous years, all the event incomes and donations were collected for the charity purposes - last year we helped sick children from the Raba Wyżna Commune. This year, we decided to support ZPPA in raising funds for the purchase of a lot for a new “home” which can be used to save our traditions, meetings and many other great events in the Chicago area. The Great Picnic was a blast! Was a great success! We collected over $30,000! THANK YOU ALL!

Our sponsors and exhibitors

It has already become a tradition that during the picnic, anyone who runs a business, has an interesting hobby or simply would like to show their activities to a wider audience can participate in our events as a vendor. This year we welcomed over 50 vendors and sponsors.

At this point, we would like to thank our sponsors who supported us every step of the way. Great God bless ;) Among them were:



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